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My Reviewer's Philosophy: I believe that every film has its audience. One man’s Citizen Kane is another man’s Texas Chain Saw Massacre. My purpose is to help you spend your entertainment dollars wisely. A bad review never kept me from going to a film I wanted to see, but a good review will sometimes get me to a film I never considered. As a movie lover I want you to go to the movies. When more people go to the movies, the more movies get made. But, I also believe that if you enjoy the films you see, you naturally will be inclined to go more often. So join me in supporting our film industry by going to a movie today. Hopefully I can steer you towards a good one. See you at the movies. Melanie Wilson

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cheap Dates & Free Museums

In my workplace I hear people complain about prices all the time, and although I am required to be polite and professional at work, in my mind I’m thinking, “If it’s too expensive, then don’t come!” Going to a theme park is not a necessity, or a requirement for a happy, healthy, well-adjusted life. Theme parks are a luxury, an extravagance, and although there are some very good offers out there, if it‘s too expensive for you, then don’t go.

We live in a wonderful city with hundreds of things to do that are inexpensive and in some cases free. Today I’m going to talk about museums. Los Angeles is often derided for lacking culture, but in truth we have some very nice museums. If you want to get out of the house on a nice summer day and escape into an air-conditioned museum, there are many locations to choose from. However, while some are free, many of them charge admission, so I’m going to give you a little tip, most museums have one day a month where they let the public in for free.

For example at the Autry National Center of the American West, every second Tuesday of the month is free. At the Museum Of Contemporary Art, Thursday evenings are open to the public, and at the Natural History Museum Of Los Angeles County, the first Tuesday of the month is free. Add in the museums that are free year round and you’ll have an entire summer’s worth of free activities.

There’s nothing like a stroll through a good museum followed by a nice lunch or dinner. Some museums like the Getty Center of Los Angeles even have certain nights when they are open late. I remember one particular evening when I went to see an exhibit of Napoleon inspired paintings followed by a Napoleon biographical film. Afterwards I had a nice late night snack overlooking the lights of the city. It was a beautiful view, the air was still warm, and after strolling through museums all day, I found myself in a very serene, spiritual place. Best of all, the day cost me less than $10.00.

So if you are feeling the pinch and the economy’s got you down, don’t let your money woes keep you home, go to a museum. A little time on the computer will verify the times and the dates and you’ll be set to have a good, inexpensive time. Invite a friend and let them know that the admission’s on you. They’ll never know that you got them in for free and if they figure it out laugh and buy them lunch. You won’t be considered cheap, just practical and smart. And in today’s economy that’s the way to be.

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