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My Reviewer's Philosophy: I believe that every film has its audience. One man’s Citizen Kane is another man’s Texas Chain Saw Massacre. My purpose is to help you spend your entertainment dollars wisely. A bad review never kept me from going to a film I wanted to see, but a good review will sometimes get me to a film I never considered. As a movie lover I want you to go to the movies. When more people go to the movies, the more movies get made. But, I also believe that if you enjoy the films you see, you naturally will be inclined to go more often. So join me in supporting our film industry by going to a movie today. Hopefully I can steer you towards a good one. See you at the movies. Melanie Wilson

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bride Wars

I really wanted to like Bride Wars. The stars are likable. I like Anne Hathaway, I like Kate Hudson. Iʼve liked other comedies that theyʼve made. But this movie left me feeling horrible and insulted. The comedy in Bride Wars revolves around pettiness, back-stabbing and miscommunication. To me, this is not fun. And this is where the insulting part comes in. Do the writers think so little of women that they imagine that we would sit by and not poke holes in the absurdity of this plot line? Do they underestimate professional women so much that they think that a high class professional wedding planner with decades of experience couldnʼt solve the problem of a conflicting wedding date? Do they think so little of women in general to think that not one friend or family member would have stepped in to stop this foolishness before it got out of hand? Or, do they think so little of the bonds of sisterhood, to think that these two women would throw away their life-long friendship so easily out of petty motives?

Although there were some parts of the movie that did work, over-all, this movie is mean-spirited and leaves you feeling empty. If you must see the film, my recommendation is to rent it. Why pay top dollar to be insulted.

Rating: Rent It     Best to watch alone on a day when youʼve had a fight with your best friend or husband. Men, you wonʼt get much out of this one.

1 comment:

  1. Concur with LA Mel on this one. I don't walk out on many a film, but I took the exit option on this one, even though I love these actresses and their other work, it wasn't compelling enough for me to care how it all turned out.
